Saturday 22 June 2019

Wondering When Does a Car Battery Need to be replaced?

Car Battery replacement Canby or

The car battery is the most underrated, but the most vital piece of equipment your car wants in order to be driven down the street.  The battery is an energy storage device that relies on a chemical reaction within the battery to produce electricity. This stored electrical energy is used to initially operate the starter motor, ignition system, and fuel system. Once the motor is running, the alternator supplies the electricity needed for all the other vehicle systems and re-charges the battery as you operate the car.

Is it safe to drive with a bad battery?  Yes, but if it is weak and dies completely, you could be stranded on the side of the road on a hot summer day. A bad battery may also overload the alternator and adversely affect the operation of the vehicle’s electrical system.

Don’t wait for your battery to fail completely.  When it gets old (3-4 years) you may find yourself in need of a car battery replacement.  Though, if you already have a new battery under your hood and it keeps dying, there may be some other reasons why.  Ask your mechanic to inspect it out!

So when does a car battery need to be replaced?  Generally, a battery will have a service life of 4 to 7 years.  Here are a few positions which indicate it is time for a car battery replacement:

  • Your car doesn’t start. As a battery age, the cranking amps become lower than the original rating. Once the cranking amps fall below a critical threshold, it will be difficult, if not impossible to start your vehicle.
  • Battery warning light illuminates. If the battery warning light illuminates, ask your auto mechanic to inspect your battery and if it wants to be replaced.
  • Electrical components don’t work. Once a battery has started to fail and the voltage produced by the battery drops, the vehicle’s electrical components can malfunction. 

Remember:  Ultimately, every battery will die.  Though, the key to prolonging the life of your battery and avoiding a premature car battery replacement is to keep it well-maintained. 

Wondering when does a car battery need to be replaced?  Call our ASE Certified Technicians at Auto Max of Oregon for more information about a car battery replacement and to make an appointment. Our auto repair shop proudly serves vehicle owners in Canby, OR and surrounding areas.

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